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Tim providing community transport to a Tisbury resident to a hospital appointment.

Part of the Wiltshire Link Schemes.

Voluntary groups offering a good neighbour service to those in need.

How we help



• Local medical appointments

• Hospital appointments

• Visit friends or relatives in care homes

Tisbury Link volunteer driver and passenger on a community transport trip.
The geographic area that Tisbury Link serves for it's community transport scheme.

how much does it cost?

We are not a taxi service!  Link is a charity and no direct charges are made. However, Link does rely on donations from its users. All donations are used to provide the service, which is operated entirely by volunteers who give their time freely but they do receive a mileage allowance (currently 45p per mile) as well as out of pocket expenses, such as parking or refreshments if it is a long wait.


To give you an idea, a round trip from Tisbury to Salisbury District Hospital is approximately 34 miles. We would reimburse the driver £15 plus the distance to their own home. If you wish you can ask the duty coordinator about contributing via BACS.


For people on certain benefits the hospital will reimburse the costs of the journey. Please ask the coordinator if you think this could apply to you or look at the hospital website.

Volunteer Tisbury Link driver and passenger on a community transport trip to a hospital appointment.

How do I find out more?

​Phone the Link number 07484 284670 and we will take all your details. If the phone is not answered please leave your name and number very clearly on the answerphone and a coordinator will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours. You can send a text if you prefer. To organise a drive you just tell the coordinator where and when you want to go and we will try to find a driver for you. When we have found a driver we will get back to you to confirm the arrangement.  It is useful to give us as much notice as possible. However, sometimes drivers cannot commit themselves until nearer the time so don’t panic if we don’t respond very quickly with the details of the driver. Do phone if you are anxious that we haven’t found a driver for you. Very occasionally we cannot find a driver but if that happens we would inform you as soon as we have exhausted all possibilities. Coordinators work normal office hours and don’t as a rule usually work at weekends except to monitor the answerphone. However if you leave a message, we will do our best to help in an emergency.​


We hope you find the scheme useful. If there are any comments or problems do phone or text the coordinator or email us: Please tell your friends about it and if you know anyone who might like to be a driver please let us know.

If you no longer wish to use our service, you have the right to instruct Tisbury Link to remove and delete any personal details held by us.

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